Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm back!

Well I finally got my password and everything figured out so now I will do better at updating my blog! Conference was amazing! I could not get my head around how close we were to President Monson! Jake hooked us up! School is going well. It just started getting colder today :( I am trying to stay focused and happy but I am nervous for next week. Here's some pictures from conference and my roomates! All my pictures are backwards! But I don't have time to fix it sorry!

From Left to Right. Sarah, Lacey, Charlene, Stacey and Me. Lindsay was missing in action!
The view from our seats, a little blurry thanks to Stace!
The four of us after Conference.
Me Stacey Veronica and Courtnie taken by Logan. Sorry its so dark!

Love you All!


Erin said...

Yay Yay Yay!!! I am so excited to see your pictures. How fun!!!!! I love the one by the Idaho sign. The clods are incredible. Stay warm! The first snow usually isn't too bad right? Love you

Harrison Happenings said...

Good were cruisin' for a bruisin'!! Love you baby girl! We can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving.