This weekend was great! I feel so lucky to have been given so many blessings!
On Saturday I accomplished my goal of running my first half marathon. I'm glad Courtnie was doing it and she gave me a running schedule to follow. Getting back into shape, well not quite where I was in high school but good enough, has been so much fun and made me so happy! Although, I could have done without the feet issues but it hurts a lot less now than I thought it was going to and I am so grateful for that!! I'm grateful that I got to get help from the physical therapist to help my foot heal enough before the race. I'm sort of doubting that it was a stress fracture in the first place but we'll see what he says today.
I of course didn't take any pictures of the event or my amazing fan club but luckily my Mom always thinks of that stuff! :) I can't wait to see those! I literally had the best fan club out of all the people I saw. My Mom and Dad came up and brought Grandma and Grandpa with them, Logan and his Dad came and brought the van to drive everyone around, and Kelli and Adria woke up so early to be there to support me. I couldn't have asked for more. I did hope that my parents would pull up on friday and surprise me with my sisters being there but that was extremely wishful thinking :) And it was fun that I knew a few people who were running and volunteering so seeing familiar faces while running was very encouraging.
Friday my family got into town just in time for my Mom to come to Brother Riggins class. I'm glad she was able to do that. I am grateful for any chance to share the amazing town of Rexburg and amazing institution I am lucky enough to attend. Mom got to talk to Bro Riggins who she had been taught by when she was a seminary teacher. Then I had to go to physical therapy and Mom also came with me to that and it went well. Paul taped up my foot really well and it held up for the next day. Then it was time to CARBO LOAD!! so sweeeet :) Grandpa took our family, Logan and his family and Courtnie and Kenny to dinner at Craigos and I ate more pasta then I ever thought I could! It was great :) Then it was time for bed, but not without an encouraging peptalk from Logan!!
Saturday came very early. I woke up at 5:15 and made my bagel, ate a banana and downed a big glass of water and then sat back in bed. I got up again at 6:15 ish and got all ready and then Logan picked me up at 6:50 just like he said he would. The night before I kept having dreams that he didn't do what he told me he would, with the van and picking me up and stuff. It wasn't a very fun dream and gave me a lot of anxiety but in real life it was the exact opposite! I remember in high school how stressed I would get when my family wasn't there yet and I was about to start a race so I really appreciated how EVERYONE made such an effort to get there on time.
I warmed up stretched and got all ready for the race and started next to Courtnie, some of her friends and Justin and his friend but i didn't really plan on staying with anyone for long. Courtnie and her friend stayed with me for about the first two miles I think and then Justin passed me around mile 4 1/2 or 5 I can't really remember. When I got to mile 3 the astrovan was there full of everyone. It was great to see them and hear them cheer for me and see my dad there too! Then the next 6 miles I was on my own. I had to stop and wait for the porta-potty and this was definitely the most challenging part of the race. It was rolling hills and a long time by myself but I had the opportunity to remain positive and not get discouraged. I was really grateful for the wind, it was coming from the north which is rare, and pushing against my back so that was awesome! And my feet were starting to get tired but not hurting like I thought they would. Then I got to mile and had some really bad cramps under my ribs and really wanted to see everyone and get my inhaler. I could see a bunch of cars but didn't see the van and was about to let myself get discouraged... and then I saw the best site ever!! The astrovan's doors opening and my mom and dad getting out. I then of course gave the inhaler symbol that I think my family is trained to look for and got a couple puffs :) that plus all the energy from everyone totally lifted my spirits and I knew I could make it the next 4 miles! Then the next mile and a half they'd drive past and then wait for me to come and we kept up that pattern until Adria and Kelli ran with me for a little. It was great! The next three miles were pretty much all down hill which was nice and I felt great! I was tired but knew I was gonna make my goal! The last mile I was sure I was gonna have to stop for a sec and throw up and I just hoped that I wouldn't do it in front of all the people at the finish, but that didn't even happen! I was so close and then I saw the sign that kelli and Adria had made "Jana, the best dam runner." I broke through it and crossed through the finish line. It was an amazing feeling. Coach Doc told me a good time would be two hours and I did it in 1:58:42. and my foot hasn't bothered me since!
The rest of the weekend I was pretty much exhausted but it was SO much fun to have my family visit! Next race is??? I don't know yet but I need something to train for! A big GIGANIC thank you to my family and friends for all the support and love!
Nov 2019 to Feb 2020
5 years ago
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