Excuse me how did that happen? I fly to Sacramento in almost exactly two weeks! It hasn't really hit me yet but I'm super excited!
So today I'm grateful for the temple. I got to go do baptisms for the dead today and it was again a great experience. Right before we went in to do confirmations the brother who was walking us into the room turned to me and said, "isn't it great that we get to have a temple so close where we can go so often?" I think he read my mind or something! Then there was the same old guy who asks my name and when I say Sister Drake he says oh yeah you're here all the time. I stinkin love that guy. He makes me feel so good for going as often as I do. I took my talks from President Uchtdorf to study while I was waiting. You should read We are Doing So Great a Work we Cannot come Down or something like that. Priesthood Session April 2009. REALLY good talk about one of my favorite scripture stories Nehemiah.
I am also really grateful for Idaho and the humble and kind people that live here. I know weird that I am grateful to live in a place which will soon be covered in snow, but it has its perks :) Like old guys working in the temple with big walking sticks. Dad would have been SO jealous of it. He walked in that confirmation room and said, "Oh, I can get so many toes in here!" and pretended to get our toes with his walking stick. I instantly felt close to Heavenly Father through his playful love. Don't be surprised if you hear of Rexburg getting sucked into the sky one of these days. With men like that and a population where 95% of the people living there are worthy to enter the temple it's bound to happen one of these days! Point is I love this place.
Update on roomies: we all cleaned the kitchen together... things seem to be getting better! Woo!
Nov 2019 to Feb 2020
5 years ago
1 comment:
I love your new blogging habit. Keep it up. You should print it up to mail to your missionary friends. Your spiritual insights would really help them.
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