Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday means devotional!

Devotional today was given by Sidney Palmer a teacher in the biology department! He of course cracked several jokes that only anatomy and physiologists would understand :) I loved it! He talked about being spiritually and temporally prepared. It was a really great talk. He actually quoted part of the talk I read for teachings of the living prophets yesterday! Talk about the Holy Ghost trying to get through to me! It made me think about how grateful I am for the patient way the Holy Ghost encourages me to grow and become better. I can' t imagine going to a church where we had to be guilted (is that a word? oh well) into changing instead of kindly prompted. Brother Palmer said some things I wrote down that really inspired me: first that the temple is the storehouse for spiritual experiences just as we have storage for food. second that we need to constantly be looking for Christ's hand in all things and as we try to remember His hand we will be led to see the ways He was there that we missed the first time. Third that it is important to bear our testimony in deed and in word. One of my least favorite things is when people say one thing and do another... but sometimes I forget my strong testimony of Jesus Christ and how that should influence how I act. So that is one thing I was REALLY grateful to learn today.

Another thing I was really grateful for today is music. In child development my teacher showed us a vienna boys choir called Libera that does a beautiful arrangement of Be Still My Soul. Man that was powerful stuff. The music was so pure and beautiful and I am grateful for how strongly the spirit speaks to me through music. I also went to open mike night at the local Hogi Yogi and got to hear some awesome students. Heavenly Father is pretty cool for blessing us with individual talents.

That's all for tonight! Pray that my roommates will be nice to each other!

1 comment:

KaraLyn said...

Wow that part about the Lord's hand is just what I said in my last comment.