Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's a Girl!!

Wednesday February 19th was our 3rd anniversary! When we scheduled our ultrasound we thought it would be so much fun to do it on our anniversary. The only problem was that they said we could do it as early as 18 weeks, and on our anniversary I’d be 20 weeks and 2 days. We almost called so many times to change our appointment to earlier but I’m so glad we didn’t! It was the perfect way to spend our anniversary.

My appointment was at 9am. I always have to try to calm myself down when they take my blood pressure. I think my first few appointments I was just so anxious to find out how baby was doing that it would spike it up. They would take it again after my appointment and it would be perfectly normal. Ever since then I try to really calm down and take a lot of deep breaths and that has helped. I wasn’t sure that it would work this time though because I was just too excited!!

I’d heard that drinking orange juice helped to make sure baby was wiggly and cooperated so I had a cup while we were heading over to the appointment. When we started the ultrasound she was definitely sleeping and not too keen on being poked to move around! She was laying on her side facing us so we couldn’t tell the sex right away. The tech decided she would just check her major organs out until she decided to let us know she is in fact a she! Logan and I were talking about something she did and all of a sudden the tech said you're having a girl! It felt almost nonchalant at first but then I looked at Logan's face and it all became so real and exciting! She is perfectly healthy and in the 58% (for weight I believe) weighing 14 oz! She told us how long she is and her head size but I can't remember. The most important thing was everything has developed well so far and we are so grateful for that!

We got to see her do all sorts of wiggles and twists. She yawned and stretched and sucked on her fingers and basically made us fall completely in love with her. She also gave us a wave with just one finger (if you know what I mean) but we won't hold that against her. ;)

When we were finished with the ultrasound the tech asked if we needed anything else or had any questions. I told her I had one but it was sort of strange... You see my ring started off too tight before I even got pregnant. I pretty much only got if off in the freezing winter time. We tried a few times to get it off before but my fingers got even more swollen and nothing worked- soap, lotion, butter and we even tried the floss trick. I had seen this video and thought we should try it but needed the right kind of cord- a cord from the oxygen mask. The ER Doctor in the video said he’s never had to cut off a ring and so the ultrasound tech was totally awesome and got it off. My knuckle was red and sore for a while but it beats having to cut my ring off and then paying to get it fixed/resized. Although we will be getting it resized after baby girl comes! So for now I have this ring that I actually really like from Walmart on my ring finger.

After the appointment we got in the car and said a tearful and happy prayer. I've never been more grateful to be sealed to Logan. Now that we know its a girl it all seems so much more real. We wonder what she'll be like. What will she look like? What will her personality be like? I pictured her in my Cross Country uniform pretty much right after I heard it was a girl! Please be a runner girly, please! I had to go to school right after and Logan went to the party store in Idaho Falls to build the balloon thing we did at the party. While I was at school I bought a shirt and while Logan was in Idaho Falls he bought two outfits :) What a cutie! I was so nervous that he would be sort of disappointed it was a girl because he wanted to have the first boy, but he is head over heals for her. It is so much fun!

That night we had our party to reveal what we were having to our family and friends. We had so much fun and are so grateful for everyone that came and that we could Facetime with our family that wasn't there. I had on my list of things to remember to take pictures... but guess what I forgot to do? Take pictures! We had a chalkboard for people to vote if they thought it was a boy or girl, blue and pink cookies, popcorn, regular m&ms and peanut m&ms, Hershey bars, and pink and blue drinks. I think it was pretty cute and I was proud of us ;)I'm not very good at decorating cute and things like that but I was happy with it. When it was time to tell everyone what we were having we dropped down balloons. Logan had found this clear bag that you fill with balloons and really wanted to use that but I told him everyone would see what color the balloons were before we dropped them. He is Mr. Fix It so he bought black garbage bags and covered the whole thing so no one would be able to see! He then blew up 75 balloons haha! Once everyone was there and we had everyone on the phones (3 phones, the Ipad and a video on another phone... it was a big production :) we got ready for the balloon drop! Logan did such a good job building it and setting it up it went perfectly and I think it was a fun way for our family and friends to find out. The video is on my facebook and I can't get figure out how to get it on here, but I'm sure that's okay.

Sometimes I forget to call her a She instead of the baby or it like we had to for so long, but I'm getting more used to it. We're so excited and so grateful for how many people are happy and excited for us. We can't wait for baby girl to get here and all the happiness that she will bring to our family of almost four!

How far along: 21 W 3 D (I'm really bad at taking pictures of myself sorry Erin)

Total weight gain: 7 lbs

Maternity clothes: Need more! A girl always need more clothes right?! Good luck Logan!

Sleep: Can't get enough of it!

Best moment of this week: Finding out I passed one of my midterms I was super worried about. It gave me hope that I may actually survive this semester.

Miss anything: My family (but I guess that isn't pregnancy related)

Movement: All the time! I can't remember if I said this last time but I swear she wants to be an accountant or something. Whenever I am in my finance class or doing my finance homework she is super active. And it isn't even a type of day thing because I'll do my homework at different times and I can always count on feeling her.

Food cravings: All food. All the time. Haha no but really I've never felt so hungry!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just when I'm hungry I start not feeling great, usually that's only when I wake up.

Have you started to show yet: Yep!

Gender: GIRL! :D

Labor signs: No but I think I have had some Braxton Hicks. I have always had this thing where if there is water in my sight I can't help but drink it. Well that has gotten me into trouble a couple times. I'll drink so much and then be in the car or doing homework and be too focused to realize I really need to go pee. My bladder is then so full that I think it causes some contractions, or at least that seems like what it is from the research I did. It wasn't very enjoyable so I've made sure to avoid that from now on.

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Off! Even if you only read this part for a quick summary you should read the story about my rings. It could save yours some day ;)

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Graduation! 6 weeks and countingggg


KaraLyn said...

Woo hoo granddaughter # 7 for us. Grandma was in the hospital again this week (all is fine.). Nurses would ask how many kids she had, grand kids etc. I counted and your Penelope will be their 29th great grandchild.

KaraLyn said...

No she's not, she's number 30. Terri counted wrong. I like that, it's a milestone number.

Jana Lyn said...

Is Penelope a nickname you've given her? Cause it's cute but not what we're naming her. Number 30 is a good number!