So today I am grateful for technology :) not only do I have an awesome new phone (thanks mom and dad) but I have a car, electricity, HEAT, music, a lap top and other things that I have begun to think of as "essential" but really are blessings. When I was driving I stopped at a 4-way stop and noticed the car across from me check for oncoming traffic just as I had. I thought about how lucky him and I both were to have cars to get us places. It was nice.
I am also grateful for Family Home Evening. I got to teach the lesson tonight and I showed the mormon message Lifting Burdens: The Atonement of Jesus Christ. It is a really good powerful message. Then we had a photo scavenger hunt which was a lot of fun. It was a really good night for our apartment and fhe group and I'm glad we belong to a church that holds important meetings like that.
That's it until tomorrow? Hopefully!
GREAT POST. MARY OLSON GAVE OUR RS LESSON ON SUN. IT WAS ABOUT GRATITUDE. SHE USED ELDER EYRING's talk. She also spoke about really pondering about the Lord's hand in our lives that day before our evening prayers.
Did you mean to type in all caps? Haha I kind of felt like you were yelling at me :)
I'm struggling with mastering typing on my Pre. Sorry.
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